
“I was always told that education would be the key that would open doors for me throughout my life. Having the opportunity to receive the best education available to me has done exactly that. Bridges allowed me to be placed in an environment where I was surrounded by talented students and teachers that took a genuine interest in my development—that pushed me to be my best. I also found that the opportunity motivated and inspired me to think bigger and pursue more ambitious goals that I’d never considered, or thought were possible.”
Aaron Young
Princeton University Class of 2018
Investment Professional at Clearlake Investment Group, Los Angeles, CA
“The relationship with my Bridges mentor has impacted my life greatly. She was one of my greatest role models during my last two years of high school. During that time, she showed me what it was like to have an authentic, personal relationship with God. My mentor has shown me that there isn't a set path that everyone must follow or take. She taught me that everyone will go through different experiences and that there is no need to try to be like everyone else. She encouraged me to just be myself and allow everything else to fall in place in God’s time.

I am very grateful to have my mentor in my life. Her guidance and insight not only have impacted my life in the past but continues to do so to this day. In my opinion anyone who is able to encounter a relationship with Bridges is extremely blessed.”
Abigail Williams Photo
Abigail Williams
King University Class of 2024
“I was a player who could've fallen through the cracks. Without an advocate or an opportunity to be seen, I might not have made it to where I am today. The transition from public school to private was intimidating, but the experiences I had prepared me for the challenges of college basketball. I am forever grateful to Bridges for the chance it gave me and for believing in the potential I had as a player.”
Adam Sledd Photo
Adam Sledd
Western Carolina University, Class of 2020
"Being a part of Bridges and learning from my mentor really helped me develop my game for the next level. He pushed me to be the best version of myself on and off the floor and for that, I’m truly appreciative."
Dante Harris Photo
Dante Harris
Georgetown University Class of 2024
“Everyone says high-school is the best years of your life and what they don’t tell you is that it is also some of the worst and stressful moments of your life. During high school I struggled with panic attacks and would hide in the bathroom so no one would see me. The fear of people knowing stressed me out even more. The day I got connected to my Bridges mentor changed everything. I gained a support system and a lady who became another mom and best friend to me. My mentor helped me through anxiety, through tests, through relationship struggles, through graduation, and through life. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.”
Faith Guillen Photo
Faith Guillen
Liberty University, Class of 2025
"Bridges allowed me to travel to someplace new outside of Canada and pursue new opportunities to further my academics and athletics at a boarding school in Virginia. During my time there, I made countless new friends and connections, prepared myself for life in college, and even found a second home in a city which I frequently revisit."
Jaelin Llewellyn
Princeton University, Class of 2022
“I have a relationship with my mentor that I will have for a lifetime. Not only has she helped me on the court and in the classroom, she has also helped me in my spiritual journey as well. I came to a new school and it definitely got overwhelming at times but, she helped me to trust God and the path that was ahead of me. This is something that I will always take with me!”
Jordanyia Ivie Photo
Jordaynia Ivie
University of North Carolina - Asheville, Class of 2025